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 "RoboSack - cop of the future" is a Robocop themed level I recently finished. I rejected the idea of making this level at first because I wasn't sure how I was going to make Robocop look good and play good at the same time. I then noticed that there weren't ANY good Robocop levels out there, so I figured I would give it a shot. I learned a few tricks recently to hide the player behind the background to give the illusion that you are in control over the object in the foreground. You can actually make Robocop walk left, right, and fire his gun! It's a shame that there aren't very many Robocop fans out there, most people give me a blank stare as if I made the movie up. Maybe the new movie due out in 2010 will reignite the franchise:

"New York Party" is now available on Little Big Planet. This isn't your ordinary party though! This level was inspired from the movies "Cloverfield" and "Godzilla". I gave the level a misleading name to surprise all of the players. I figured it would be funny tricking people into thinking they were jumping into a fun and happy level only to find the roof of the building getting ripped off by a huge monster.

 Sack to the Future part 3 is finally ready. I had no idea how the level would turn out when I started it. The third movie was probably my least favorite of the three, so I wasn't very excited about starting on it (mainly because I am sick of "wild west" movies). There were some pretty cool scenes in the movie though, and the main challenge was how to implement them. The scene where you are searching for the time machine in 1955 seemed like a cool place to start. Definitely wanted to have the De Lorean with the 1950's tires! Indians...check, Bear in cave...check. I wanted the player to be captured, dragged, and hung by a rope with Doc Brown shooting you free in the end. The 1855 clock tower was a must have...also had to have the train pushing the time machine... and last but not least... I wanted to blow the players away by having Doc brown say goodbye to you in the "time train"! I felt sort of hopeless when I started on this level, but now that it's finished, this level might just be my favorite of the three! I made a "mini-game" out of the train also.. the longer you stay on the train, the more points you are rewarded! Be careful though, once you go past the's the future or bust!
 My first Little Big Planet map "Sack to the Future" ended up being loved by the community! Since I got so much positive feedback, I decided to make a sequel: "Sack to the Future part 2". I put more effort into this one to make it follow the movie plot more closely and I wanted to make the 2015 sequence as futuristic looking as possible. Making a flying De Lorean was very tricky because I wanted to surprise people, but at the same time I needed the player to fly in the right place to keep the level playable. Overall, I am happy with the way the level turned out. Sack to the Future part 3 might be the most challenging out of all of them, I'm hoping it will be ready to play in the next few weeks...
Made my first Little Big Planet map! This one is based off of the first Back to the Future movie. It's my first level made for this game of course. The video is a little bit on the blurry side, you can't read any of Doc's text bubbles, just play the level yourself if you want to see all of the details. I have to say that Little Big Planet for the Playstation 3 has the best level editor I have ever seen! It's extremely easy to use, but incredibly powerful at the same time. You can actually use the playstation camera to make custom textures, which is how I made the delorean look as realistic as it did. The level is called "Sack to the Future" and the PSN id it is created by is "Hymanator" of course. There were "attempts" by other people to make Back to the Future levels, so be careful that you don't play the wrong one!
 Here is a map I made for Far Cry 2 for Xbox 360. "2Fort Team Fortress" is based off of the map "2Fort" from the popular game Team Fortress 2. The map editor on this game is a little clunky, but overall, the map turned out to be pretty fun. You can download this map from within Far Cry 2 if you search for "2Fort Team Fortress" under the Map Community section. Enjoy! Video preview is below...
Below is a map I made for the popular pc game Half-Life. It is a "made-from-scratch" map based off of the first level from Duke Nukem 3d. The map is simply called "Hollywood Holocaust" and it is one of my first attempts at map-making. *install note* *install the "nympho" model in the directory where all of your other player models go or the map will not load. If you are hosting this level on a deathmatch server, other players will conveniently download the required model automatically. Change your player model to the name "nympho" for a funny surprise!
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Below is my 2nd attempt at map-making for Half-Life based off of my first job of working at a grocery store. I always wanted to have a deathmatch map set in a grocery store, so I took the initiative of creating a map of my own with this idea. I heard a rumor that this map was really popular at one point in time, give it a try, you might like it. Here is an *easter egg* tip that not too many people seem to know about: climb up the rope to get on top of the ceiling and there is a wall you can shoot out in the corner, behind the destructible wall is a button that will make the entire grocery store flood with water! Watch everyone panic as they swim up for air!
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Next map (pictured below) is the very first map I ever made. Did the typical "big box" map, started tinkering with ideas, and I felt compelled to keep adding to it until it turned into a really fun and playable map. I added several secrets, hiding places, and other surprises to keep the map interesting.
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Type : zip
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